lunedì 29 febbraio 2016

I present myself

Hi all! 
I'm John Guarino, 48, over 25 in the computing world. I reckon to be eclectic, but not by choice, or at least not intentionally.

I sailed a long time in the computer world, before realizing where I would really like to do. 
As often happens, the work does not always coincide (all the time) with the one to which you aspire. 
It happened to me with writing novels, which are appreciated by many of those who have come to know, has happened with the creation of animated video, which several publishers liked and purchased (see Mondadori), or video games on demand. 

It happens even more with Artificial Intelligence, the technological place I care very much. When I was a child, actually when I was six, I realized what I wanted was a small "virtual" living being. I used the trunk 1 Kg box of pasta, I also remember that I used the shoe laces to "simulate" veins. 

Eventually I showed this to my brother (he was twenty), which obviously laughed at my creation. I remember just now my answer: if not today, I'll find the way to let it live. I am sure that the desire to create a virtual being "really living" has remained with me all my life, and I led eleven years ago to study more subjects, after work: Artificial Intelligence, Game Development, "classic" Psychology and  Evolutionary Psychology. 

As a result, I imagined and partly implemented (in Alpha version) a series of models that allow intelligent agents or NPC (Non Playable Characters) to behave like a human or animal with a vey high credibility.

The models affecting the decision management (decision-making), the path finding, the game system optimization (permormance-oriented), an innovative version of the neural network to store memories, the action management system, and more.

The next months for me are very important, because my main project, Phanes (the first virtual mind ever developed so far) will come to life in its alpha version.

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